During Corona, our employees are more than ever our heroes

As a logistics company, H.Essers is also essential in times of pandemic to guarantee the necessary flow of goods. In order to protect and motivate our employees as much as possible, we place our employees at the heart of our business more than ever before. In addition to the safety measures taken by the government, which we strictly follow, we proactively add extra measures ourselves all the time.
We communicate intensively and transparently with all our employees via a specific corona website and a new SMS platform to also reach our warehousemen and drivers immediately. In addition to all the measures and news updates, we also share our customers’ many thanks with our employees. The H.Essers Corona Continuity Guide bundles all information in a clear document for employees and external parties.
In order to encourage our people and show our gratitude for their continued commitment, we are investing in a H.EROES campaign. This campaign consists of short videos in which a certain target group (e.g. the drivers, IT specialists, …) always plays the leading role. The videos are shared via internal and external communication channels.
Collection campaign tablets and laptops
Even in times of crisis, we, as a company, want to offer our support to social goals. For example, we organise a collection campaign of old tablets and laptops among staff. After our IT staff voluntarily prepare the devices for re-use, we donate them to families in need to carry out digital homework assignments.