Process & project engineering

Find your dream job at H.Essers

The key to the success of all our customers’ supply chain projects

Our engineers ensure that every client has state-of-the-art supply chain modalities, and that any changes in these modalities are supervised by experienced project managers. They are responsible for the integration of new clients into our existing facilities or within an entirely new and custom-designed environment. Having a job in Solution Engineering means getting a key position within our growth and change projects. Dynamics, variety and ownership are central.

Are you ready to support our customers with your knowledge? Apply to be a project manager or a process and project engineer.

Current vacancies



H.Essers offer a wide range of training courses for you to further develop your competencies. We work together towards your growth.

Work in the region, in an international work environment

Expand your knowledge, beyond national borders. Because we reach across borders. Expand your horizons, and become part of our ambitious and international team.

Make a difference

You are closely involved in our customers’ projects and get the chance to put your stamp on their supply chain.

Current vacancies